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Re: (ASCEND) Re: 5.1Ap9 for Pipelines (features and Linux setup as well)

At 02:39 AM 1/10/98 GMT, Mark Moorcroft wrote:
>This reminds me of numerous questions I have about my new P75 :-)
>1) to reiterate, when will caller ID be passed to the POTs ports or the LAN?

I'm running 5.1Ap6 and get it in both places. I don't recall if any earlier
versions had any problems.

>2) I have not played with syslog yet but I wonder if there is any
convenient way
>to do call screening, logging and monitoring through the P75? My Netcommander
>would pop up a window when a voice call came in showing the calling number
>it kept a log as well.

Syslog does get the caller number:

884891995 Thu Jan 15 11:19:55: <134>ASCEND: slot 0 port 0, line 1, 
           channel 1, Incoming Call, 5649259

>3) Is there any easy way to monitor throughput in either the Win95 or Linux

For testing purposes, or during normal operation? You could use FTP to test
throughput, but there's no nice graphical representation of throughput for
realtime monitoring....

>environments. On a similar vein is their any simple way to determine the
>connection parameters like (PPP, MP, MPP), (Compression?), (DBA?) or is
all this
>stuff reported in syslog. And if so can I monotor it from Win95?

Syslog reports some information that can be correlated to determine if MP is
being used, nothing about compression or DBA though.
There are some debug messages that can help with those. Depends on what you
want to see and when....

>4) Will I ever be able to put my ISDN line "off hook- busy" at will via my
>to facilitate some additional flexiblity in call features?

I would probably recommend visiting the feature-request forms to suggest these
two features. I'm not even sure I understand the one above myself.

>5) Will any distinctive ring features ever be available for this box?
>>Any idea when the fix for Traceroute not working when using NAT and

>>Caller-ID not being passed through the POTs ports (TR2402 I think) for
>>the P75 will be released?

TR#2402 addresses an issue with *some* caller-ID boxes and caller ID where
the timestamp is NOT presented by telco. I have callerID working on my
P75 just fine....5.1Ap6, Citco caller-ID box, caller-ID *and* timestamp
provided by PacBell.

>I know that the focus of this product is not to create a home office
"swiss army
>knife" for communications but it sure seems like the potential is there.
The P75
>does many things better than my Netcommander did them. I can now run Linux
>even turn off my computer without loosing my phone :-) On the other hand the
>Netcommander offered things that the P75 does not (different focus). 

The product spec is pretty much market/consumer driven, so suggestions made on
the web site feature-request forms are the best way to request/suggest new
enhancements and features.

>	I am having some trouble getting Linux to talk to my P75. As far as I
>can tell it looks like now that I can PING the P75 I should only have to
>a couple of /etc/?? files? The P75 is the only device connected to my
>If anyone has a similar setup I could sure use some tips. I think part of the
>trouble might be that eth0 is coming up and I seem to remember
>something about it needing to be 192.168.100."100" or greater ??

I think you said you fixed this...?


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