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(ASCEND) Caller-ID, syslog, and Ascend trouble ticket tracking

> >>Caller-ID not being passed through the POTs ports (TR2402 I think) for
> >>the P75 will be released?
> TR#2402 addresses an issue with *some* caller-ID boxes and caller ID where
> the timestamp is NOT presented by telco. I have callerID working on my
> P75 just fine....5.1Ap6, Citco caller-ID box, caller-ID *and* timestamp
> provided by PacBell.

My caller-ID is not working on the POTS of new P75.  I suspect that the
telco is not forwarding timestamp.  I'm hesitant to ask them (telco)
to mess with the line since it finally works well enough to use.  What
version of P75 code fixed TR#2402?

More generally, how do you view trouble reports and determine which
code release fixes them?  I did a search on the Ascend web page for
caller-ID, TR2402, TR#2402, etc and didn't hit the trouble report.  I
did get the info about the timestamp, though.  Do you just have to
read through the release notes for each release and search for your
particular trouble report.  Surely, Ascend had a database of troubles
and fixes.  Is there a web page or other interface that the common
customers can find them?

Earl Barfield  --  Operations Department / Information Technology  
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332

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