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Re: (ASCEND) Re: 5.1Ap9 for Pipelines (features and Linux setup as well)

On Thu, 15 Jan 1998 12:17:21 -0800, "Kevin A. Smith" <>

:>>1) to reiterate, when will caller ID be passed to the POTs ports or the LAN?
:>I'm running 5.1Ap6 and get it in both places. I don't recall if any earlier
:>versions had any problems.

I am running 5.1Ap4 and get it on the messages box and on the Java
Monitor event screen. However, I do not get it on any caller id boxes
connected to the POTs line.

:>Syslog does get the caller number:
:> Thu Jan 15 11:19:55: <134>ASCEND: slot 0 port 0, line 1, 
:>           channel 1, Incoming Call, 5649259

Other than using the Java Monitor, I have not figured out a way to
capture that information in NT. Any suggestions?

:>TR#2402 addresses an issue with *some* caller-ID boxes and caller ID where
:>the timestamp is NOT presented by telco. I have callerID working on my
:>P75 just fine....5.1Ap6, Citco caller-ID box, caller-ID *and* timestamp
:>provided by PacBell.

I have tried several different caller id boxes and none of them work on
the POTs line, but do work on my analog line. My provider is GTE. GTE
tells me they have everything configured to work correctly. Ascend tells
me they have everything configured to work correctly. I wish I could get
CI working on my POTs line just fine. I see the number on the box, it
just does not pass through the POTs line. Any suggestions as to what
else I should try?

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