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(ASCEND) RIP-v2 timing parameters on MAX?

Does anybody know the RIP (v2) timing parameters implemented on the MAX
software (such as 5.0Ap38 tk.m40 for example)?  I can't seem to find
anything specific in any web pages, manuals, FAQs, etc.

In particular, I have this other multi-homed router that I use to route
between two networks; one network has my Maxen on it, the other goes to a
Cisco which goes to the cloud.  I'm running send/receive RIP-v2 on the
router and the Maxen.  None of them are multi-cast so that my silent v1
systems can pick up routes.

The router has config options for the following (per interface):

periodic-announcement timer(PAT)		default 30 seconds
route-expiration timer(RET)			default 180 seconds
route-removal timer(RRT)			default 120 seconds

The "documentation" for the router says that: it's entire routing table is
updated at the expiration of the PAT.  If a route hasn't been updated by
the expiration of the RET, the route is marked as an invalid route
(apparently by setting Metric to 16).  RRT is the time between when a route
expires and is removed from the routing table.  I'm thinking this is all
standard stuff.

Seems I need to configure my router to compliment the Maxen's timing.  I
needed to configure the other interface to compliment the Cisco, which very
nicely told me what it's timing parameters are.

I've tried to empirically determine what parameters might work with the
Maxen, but it seems that the behavior of the Maxen changes as I change the
parameters on this other router.  Specifically, the Max seems to expire
routes at varying times.

The Maxen change still-valid routes in Zombies rather often and then just
re-learn them again several seconds later.  Seems very odd and I obviously
want still-valid routes to remain valid until some other info comes along.

I work around the problem with static routes, but I'd really like my
routing to just work automatically.

So, does anybody know what would be ideal settings for the above timing
parameters on that router?

BTW, I saw one message here that indicated if a MAX is set for: RIP2 Use
Multicast=Yes then RIP will only communicate with other Ascend products,
and only if they are configured for multicast.  Anybody else have any
comments on the MAX implementation of Multicast?
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