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This question is for you larger ISPs using TNTs.  It may be more suited on
the inet-access list, but it is an Ascend only question....

Other than the fact that a TNT can terminate a T3, why would you spend
the money for a TNT when you consider that their 48mod cards are so much
more expensive than a Max 4048?  Then add the chassis, WAN cards, ISDN,

For example, a recent thread talked about 672 modems in 3 TNT shelves. 
With the numbers that I was given, you'd spend from $50,000 - $100,000
more on ...THAT... TNT arrangement than you would spend on fourteen 4048's
and a T3 MUX.  If my numbers are wrong, then please forgive me, I
misunderstood the sales dept.  However, if my numbers are correct, why
would you go TNT for dialup?  The space saved and the reduced number of
cables would certainly not justify the extra cost. Would it??  What logic
am I missing?? 

I just got curious when I thought about replacing four 4048's with a TNT
with an 8 port T1 card and four 48mod modem cards.  Approx $25,000
difference even at VAR prices. 

Thanks for your input,
Del Hines
Cyberback Internet

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