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RE: (ASCEND) Pipeline50 upgrade problem (from 5.1A to 6.0.2)

> ----------
> From: 	Jan Koum[]
> Sent: 	Saturday, April 11, 1998 8:08 PM
> To:
> Subject: 	(ASCEND) Pipeline50 upgrade problem (from 5.1A to 6.0.2)
> 	Hello all,
> 	Something is very odd -- and I don't think I am on crack. I am
> trying to upgrade my pipeline 50 to 6.0.2 firmware. It is running 5.1A
> right now. I can't do tftp upgrade (ohh.. how I wish I could) since
> this
> is an older model. I am left only with a 1K Xmodem serial port
> upgrade.
> However, when I try to do so, I get "Transfer canceled by remote
> system".
> I tried to upgrade my hyperterm -- no luck. Used different software
> -- still no luck. And I won't get into troubles of trying to do so
> with
> "cu" or "tip" on my FreeBSD box. *sigh* The image I am pushing to the
> pipe50 is b2.p75 since according to ascend: b2.p75   Pipeline 50/75
> BRI w/o slide switch. 
	--> If this is an older Pipeline, b2.p75 is not the release for
it.  You should be using b.p50 for older Pipelines.  One question that I
do have: why can't you TFTP?  AFAIK, *any* pipeline w/ software revision
4.5 or later can TFTP.  Also, HyperTerminal hasn't ever given me trouble
uploading software (even at 57600).  Just can't let the screen saver
kick in, or really do ANYTHING else :-)

> I tried other images and got the same error. Maybe
> firmware 5.1A has problem with Xmodem transfer: I do get CKCKC...
> character, but when I try to send file I get the above mentioned
> error. I
> looked all over Ascend's web site, FAQ and this mailing list's
> archives.
> If anyone has any clue, I'd really appreciate them. Thanks,
> -- Yan
> Jan Koum         |  "Turn up the lights; I don't
> want
> -- The Power to Serve  |   to go home in the dark."
> P.S. - If it is problem with 5.1A not been able to understand Xmodem,
> then
> how can I erase 5.1A completely? In the docs I found it talked about
> newer
> pipe50 with the jumper one can use to reset the router (and mine
> doesn't
> have that mentioned jumper).
	--> If you've got full access to the p50, which I guess you do
since you're able to *try* and upgrade it, just drop to the debug
(diagnostics) prompt and type: "fclear" and then "nvram".  That will
surely clear the configs...but 5.1A will still be there.  Trying to
upgrade after doing this may help.

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