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RE: (ASCEND) Pipeline50 upgrade problem (from 5.1A to 6.0.2)

>> From: 	Jan Koum[]
>> trying to upgrade my pipeline 50 to 6.0.2 firmware. It is running 5.1A
>> right now. I can't do tftp upgrade (ohh.. how I wish I could) since >> this 
>> is an older model. I am left only with a 1K Xmodem serial port >> upgrade. 
>> However, when I try to do so, I get "Transfer canceled by remote >> system". 

At 13:47 1998/04/12 -0500, Steven Guerin wrote:
>	--> If this is an older Pipeline, b2.p75 is not the release for
>it.  You should be using b.p50 for older Pipelines.  One question that I
>do have: why can't you TFTP?  AFAIK, *any* pipeline w/ software revision
>4.5 or later can TFTP.  Also, HyperTerminal hasn't ever given me trouble

the release notes don't mention the P50 models from back before
the slide switch was added, although I know that I and 
probably many others asked for clarification in the notes...
(Jason, can you find a place for this in the FAQ?)

the oldest P50 models had no slide switch, an AC power adapter,
and 1MB flash memory [??] and ran code from flash. [???]
maybe this one can't do TFTP [????] 
(From memory, I don't have one of these anymore to verify)
[loads b1.p50]

the next older model (circa 1994) had a slide switch, an AC adapter, 
2 Meg. DRAM and 1 Meg. FLASH, runs from DRAM. 
U interface models had a daughter card that contained 
the internal NT-1, which could be removed to use an ST interface.
[loads b.p50]

The next model (circa 1995-6) was basicly the same, has slide switch,
but has a DC adapter, and no longer has the daughter card NT-1.
P75 models used this same board plus a daughter card for POTS.
P130 models used this same board plus a daughter card for T1 or SW56.
[loads b.p50, b.p75, b.p13]

Newest p50/p75 (circa 1997+) has DC adapter, 3 Meg. DRAM and 2 Meg. FLASH. 
No switch. POTS ports on the back (software disabled in p50)
Serial numbers starting with 722xxxx.
[loads b2.p75]

-Jim H
Jim Howard             Sr Network Engineer        Lyceum Internet     404.248.1733     

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