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Re: (ASCEND) caller id on PRI

On Thu, Mar 26, 1998 at 11:30:31AM -0800, Matt Holdrege wrote:
> The Max or any PBX can insert the calling number in the setup message, but
> the ingress switch usually overrides that depending on the configuration.

It's clear that the telco can pass the calling party number IE either
unmodified, just rip it off, or do some more extensive testing on it
(checking it for validity and supplying the correct bits for the callee
to see that the calling pty# was provided by the user, screened and
passed the screening, or that it not passed screening, or even replace
it with a valid one if the user supplied one is broken).

But how to set the calling pty# the Max originates calls with on a per
profile basis, and which is used by default ?

My understanding:

1) The Max uses by default what is configured under Net/BRI or Net/PRI.
   The problem is you can configure a hell of a lot of numbers there,
   one per B-channel on a PRI (I never understand that btw). Which one
   is choosen ? The one of the B which happens to get this call out ?
   The first one ? Per box or per interface ?
   The only thing I know for sure is that a 4000 E1 does not supply a
   calling pty# at all if no number is ever configured in Net/E1. This
   is a valuable default, but how to change it ?

2) To change the calling pty# on a per profile basis the parameter of
   choice is Telco Options/Bill#. The name is historic and a bit mis-
   leading (Calling Party # would be better), but hack - if it works
   all is ok. Am I correct ? Does this work ? And if so, how do I set
   other attributes of the calling pty# like number type and numbering
   plan ? They default to "unknown".

My problem:

I have a Max1800 on a German Telekom Bicycle^H^HPBX Connect with 4 BRIs
running NET3 PTP. All four BRIs have Pri Num=3101 and Sec Num is empty.
I assumed that this will allow the Max to answer on any incoming call
with any called pty# (which seems to work) and originate calls with
calling pty# 3101 (which does not work). Instead it originates with a
calling party number of "1":

beck@micky:~/prj/hex2dtrace > dtest 
08 01 04 05 04 02 88 90 18 01 83 6C 02 80 31 70 
0C 80 30 33 35 37 32 32 33 38 34 34 30 
NL: <proto DSS1> <callref caller 04> <msgtype SETUP>
    <Bearer Capability, cap Unrestricted digital, mode circuit, rate 64 kbps>
    <Channel ident, BRI/basic, preferred, any channel>
    <Calling party number, type Unknown, plan Unknown, # 1
    <Called party number, type Unknown, plan Unknown, # 03572238440

The switch appears to interpret this single digit as a suffix and signals
the other end with a calling pty# of xxxx31011 - i.e. with the suffix
appended. But I _never_ asked for this suffix ! Where is it taken from ?
How do I convince the Max to send 3101 as the calling pty# ? Just for
fun I changed a profile and inserted Bill#=3101. It still called out with
a single 1.

Should I TR this ? Or am I missing something strange about German Telekom
PBX Connects running DSS1 ?



| o |               \\\- Brain Inside -///                   | o |
| o |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                       | o |
| o | Andre' Beck (ABPSoft) XLink PoP Dresden | o |
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