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Re: [TCLUG:1345] Turn off my computer?

> Well, most 'cron' jobs are scheduled for late at night. For example, my
> NeXT woke me up at 4 am on the first night I got it, because the disk
> chewing is so loud. One of many lessons Unix has taught me. :)

Heh.. I used to have a Slackware installation where 'updatebd' ran at 7
AM..  Woke me up every time (of course, I'd usually fall back to sleep,
if I could afford it..)
> During storms, though, turn your computer off. Power spikes are the worst
> thing for your computer. Save up for a UPS, like me.

This is the only reason my computer has gone off over the summer (well,
except for when I put in some more memory, and that Zip drive, and that
graphics card...)
> Bottom line: I leave my computers on all the time, except during storms.

Hear, hear..

Besides, I hate waiting that minute or two (It'd be faster, except I
have a really weird CD-ROM drive...) for my system to start up whenever
I want to use it..

Mike Hicks