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Re: [TCLUG:1345] Turn off my computer?

On Thu, 24 Sep 1998, Michael Hicks wrote:

> > Well, most 'cron' jobs are scheduled for late at night. For example, my
> > NeXT woke me up at 4 am on the first night I got it, because the disk
> > chewing is so loud. One of many lessons Unix has taught me. :)
> Heh.. I used to have a Slackware installation where 'updatebd' ran at 7
> AM..  Woke me up every time (of course, I'd usually fall back to sleep,
> if I could afford it..)

grind (that's its name) woke me up at 4 am this morning.  Then a few
minutes ago, my cron job for playcd woke me up again.  Luckily I'm not
paying for my power consumption now otherwise I'd leave my home system off
most of the time. 

I have a shutdown story:  Last week I killed shutdown with kill instead of
"shutdown -c".  Then I resumed the shutdown and when the box came up I
couldn't log in with anyone except for root.  I rebooted the box again,
played with init, and looked at /etc/inittab.  I couldn't figure out what
was wrong.  Finaly I did shutdown with a wait and then from another
console "shutdown -c", I rebooted the box and all was well. 
