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TCLUG InstallFest

On Wed, 26 Aug 1998, Clay Fandre wrote:

> Our next meeting will be on September 5th, 12:00 noon at the UofM. Check
> the web page for directions. I am still working on a topic. There are a
> few people that want to talk about emulators (Wine, DOSEmu, etc.) but
> cannot make it on the 5th. So I might postpone that until October. Let
> me know what you think.

This is Labor Day weekend, right? Unfortunately, I'll be out of town.

> I am also working on getting an InstallFest going for mid-September. I
> have had a lot of requests for this. If anyone knows of a good place to
> hold this, let me know ASAP. We probably need a pretty large room with
> plenty of table space.

I'd like to volunteer my high school. It would be an excellent location.
I've got some very large rooms with abundant tables, outlets, chairs, etc.
These rooms also function well as bio and chemistry labs. :-)

Hopefully, I'll even have some Linux stuff to show off in my computer lab.
(fingers crossed) Sibley's located in Mendota Heights across the Mendota
Bridge from Fort Snelling, so we're pretty accessible I think. Let me know
what you think. BTW, I can get Sat. access to the building for special
events like this. No problem.


Timothy D. Wilson			"A little song, a little dance,
University of MN, chem. dept.		a little seltzer down your			pants."   -Chuckles the Clown
Phone: (612) 625-9828                       as eulogized by Ted Baxter