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Re: [TCLUG:22812] Licensing of NT in a linux vs nt whitepaper

Microsoft's licensing does indeed suck. However, I have also read their NT
Server licensing rules, and the number of "seats" allowed (5 in your example)
only relates to actual users on the corporate LAN/intranet or VPN -- but not
people on the Internet/web browsing your website. Also, their license does not
permit "shared" or non-concurrent seats, i.e., a 5 seat license does not allow
fifteen people to use the server, as long as only 5 are logged in at any given
time. I believe MS used to allow this in the past, but no longer. So basically,
you have to take a simple count of the number of employees who will be using the
system, and buy your license to cover that many or more.

Dave Sherman

"Andrew S. Zbikowski" wrote:

> To sum it all up:
> NT licensing will make your head spin, then hurt, and by the time it's done
> with you your eOpen license will be expired and it's time to renew (or
> upgrade to the latest version of NT), and you may start the process anew.
> --
> Andrew S. Zbikowski |
> With a name like Zbikowski, you've gotta be good.
> "Mistakes are a fact of life. It's the response to error that counts."
> -- Nikki Giovanni
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