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Re: [TCLUG:22821] anyone here a samba master?

"Austad, Jay" wrote:
> Right now, I have a linux ftp server that some of our journalists have to
> upload video to all day.  FTP is becoming a nightmare because no one knows
> how to use command line ftp and don't want to learn.  So we have 40
> different GUI ftp programs for windows floating around and I get calls all
> day saying how my ftp server sucks and they can never upload stuff to it.
> In 100% of the cases, it's always been the "chair to keyboard interface",
> not my ftp server.
> So, my ftp server is behind a firewall from the people that want to upload
> to it, and the ftp ports are open.  What I want to do is set up samba, and
> have it tell our winblows 2000 domain controllers on the network that the
> users are on where it is.  That way, when they browse the network, they'll
> see it, they can click on it, and they can drop their files onto it.
> Has anyone made a samba box behind a firewall visible on a network on a
> lower security interface?  I need to also deny delete permission, but allow
> overwrite permissions.  All uploaded files will need to have default perms
> of 775.  Is there anyway to make samba authenticate against the win2000
> domain?

I would never allow internet access to a CIFS (or NFS) share. There are
too many security holes and just isn't a wise thing to do.

What about using a web interface to allow them to upload their files? I
simple upload button would allow them to choose a file locally, and then
have a dropdown box for the destination. It's a common interface and
there is no need to anything besides a browser.

I would recommend writing it in perl or php. Let me know if you need
some examples to get started.
