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anyone here a samba master?

Right now, I have a linux ftp server that some of our journalists have to
upload video to all day.  FTP is becoming a nightmare because no one knows
how to use command line ftp and don't want to learn.  So we have 40
different GUI ftp programs for windows floating around and I get calls all
day saying how my ftp server sucks and they can never upload stuff to it.
In 100% of the cases, it's always been the "chair to keyboard interface",
not my ftp server.

So, my ftp server is behind a firewall from the people that want to upload
to it, and the ftp ports are open.  What I want to do is set up samba, and
have it tell our winblows 2000 domain controllers on the network that the
users are on where it is.  That way, when they browse the network, they'll
see it, they can click on it, and they can drop their files onto it.  

Has anyone made a samba box behind a firewall visible on a network on a
lower security interface?  I need to also deny delete permission, but allow
overwrite permissions.  All uploaded files will need to have default perms
of 775.  Is there anyway to make samba authenticate against the win2000
