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Re: [TCLUG:17991] LPRng goofiness

> It's been said network printing the bane of the admin's existence. I must
> say that I whole-heartedly agree. My stupid printer gives me more grief than
> everything else combined.

Agreed. Except here, it's printers. Only some of which support PS.
(Ick...) and one of which isn't even supported by Linux (yet Linux is
now sharing it happily, I RULE!) 

> I'm using LPRng on my print server, printing to an HP4000 PS printer with a
> JetDirect card. This was working a few days ago, but now seems hosed. When I
> try to print something from the commandline on the server, I get:

Have you tried giving it a PS file instead of something you have to
filter? (/usr/share/doc/gs/examples, /usr/doc/gs/examples, or maybe you
have gs-alladin, but there are some defent test pages in ps format

Have you tried the -P option? Sometimes LPRng is picky...
lpr -Php4000 somefile

Make sure it's working under winders?

Shoot it. Kick it. Port scan a few times (that usually makes a HP
printer puke, fun stuff)

Can't think of anything else right now, back to working on my lprng cgi
scripts. let's see...we start with #!/bin/perl ...

Andy Zbikowski, Sys Admin   |
LTI Flexible Products, Inc. | "Reality is merely an illusion, 
21801 Industrial Blvd       |  albeit a very persistent one."
Rogers, MN  55374           |  -- Albert Einstein