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Re: [TCLUG:17947] Yesterday's Installfest

Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:
> what kind of camera did you take those with? the colors look awfully flattened.

It's my Sony camcorder. It has a build-in digital camera. I know the
quality isn't the greatest, but it's better than nothing.

I was going to take some video of it and convert it to mpg, but everyone
was standing still most of the day anyway...

> the picture of me is vaguely recognizable... unfortunately, I was enjoying
> the hell out of myself that day; so my face was contorted into a rictus of a
> smile.

Carl, I think you would be the last person on earth who would be
'vaguely recognizable'. ;-)

Clay Fandre
UNIX System Administrator
Honeywell, Intl. / CAP