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Re: (ASCEND) Q. Is there an inherent restriction for P75 not able to use static IP for NAT?

At 10:46 PM 1/26/98 -0500, Edwin Yeh wrote:
>A while ago I was told by an Ascend Tech Support that I must have
>a "Dynamically assigned" IP for NAT to work on my LAN. So I switched the ISP
>that provided me with a static IP to one that dynamically assigns one.

That is not true, static assigned IP can also be used. There is no

>However, today, I have a particular situation (I need to provide a
>world-readable site which has low bandwidth and at most 1 or 2
>concurrent users) on one of machine in which p75 sits on. I need to
>run webserver on it. I know I can set P75 filter to forward all packets to
>the specific port 80. However, this also means that I need a static IP.

No problem :-)

>Theoretically, it should be possible to do one of the following two:
>1. use a single static IP on P75, and use NAT (200.200.200.x)
>on the rest of LAN. Use filter to forward all packets destined to port 80
>to one machine (say which runs the webserver.


>2. ask the ISP to allocate a subnet of static IP say 16 of them and
>assign one to Pipeline and the rest to each of the machines on the LAN.

Also possible.

>Has anyone done either one of the two? I would like to implement it
>this week. But the last time, I implemented static IP, it messed up
>the entire network connection and I had to restore to dynamic assignment.
>Any suggestions or recommendations for my scenario will be appreciated.

I'm not sure why it would have ANY effect. What problems did you encounter
with a static-IP and NAT? (Which SW version was it?)


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