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RE: (ASCEND) Q: Status of OSPF in 5.0Ap36

>At 10:25 AM 1/25/98 -0800, Peter Lalor wrote:
>>Often, many things are still fine even if OSPF isn't running, so just
>>getting it going again would be nice. Of course, if it quit for some
>>ghastly reason, it might not be reasonable to expect it to start up again
>>just because you told it to.
>So, a restart-OSPF option....maybe?

Would be nice. But read on.

>>I recently had a case where an Ascend support person inadvertantly left
>>OSPF off in a profile after he was done testing something. I found it later
>>when people started complaining, and it required rebooting the Max to get
>>OSPF going again. Therefore, a problem that affected a small percentage of
>>connected customers caused everyone to get booted.
>OK. My point has never been that a reboot is OK. I'm just trying to
>verify how often it's likely to happen. In the best case scenario, you setup
>the box and reboot once only - no changes, no need to reboot. But, if there
>are numerous reasons for making changes, then a reboot becomes much more
>likely - and THAT is what I'm looking for. If we can pretty confidently say
>that a reboot is only going to be needed on VERY rare cases, then perhaps
>feature XYZ should get a higher priority than 'fixing' this one......

It's a pain when it fails, but it hasn't done so for me for months, human
error notwithstanding. I think OSPF is well on it's way to sucking less.
Because of this, I think the restart OSPF feature would have been more
useful in previous months, but it's getting less and less needed now.

I'd personally rather see the engineers try to make it 100%, instead of
making bandaids.

I should say that I'm about to no longer need OSPF, and I've had good luck
in recent releases, so it's not a priority for me. I'd rather see backup
links get fixed (TR2994), and BGP for the TNT get implemented so that by
the time I need it it actually works. Mostly. ;-)

Peter Lalor
415-459-7991 x102
415-459-7992 fax

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