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Re: (ASCEND) K56 Modem upgrades

At 11:10 1998/01/27 -0500, Todd S. Broucksou wrote:
>I called Ascend on the very same problem. They said that the MAX 4000 would
>be "repaired" under the RMA. In other words, I have to take their "leased"
>MAX out of service for a couple of weeks. While they repair a problem that
>they caused due to poor engineering. Does this make sense to anybody? 

well, I'm feeling in rare form today, so to show a point:

lets say I bought "Car V1.0" from Acme Motor Co,
they have just released new tires (Version 2.0), 
and I can upgrade my V1.0 tires to V2.0,
but if I do I can only drive at 35 miles per hour
because my engine doesn't have enough power.

I can't really expect Acme to drive out and bring me a new car 
with a V2.0 engine just because I want new tires,
because the V1.0 car runs just fine with V1.0 tires,
and does everything that it was meant to do when I bought it.

-Jim H
Jim Howard             Sr Network Engineer        Lyceum Internet     404.248.1733     

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