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Re: (ASCEND) What does this error code mean ?

At 03:59 PM 1/23/98 +0100, you wrote:
>I tried to install a callback 

What does that mean?

>and got this error message: Cause code 100
>So I looked onto the page
>and got:
>Cause No. 100 - Invalid information element contents [Q.850] 
>This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received 
>and information element which it has implemented; however, one or more Gelds 
>in the I.E. are coded in such a way which has not been implemented by the 
>equipment sending this cause.
>Is it just me who does not understand this ? What are geld and I.E. ?

Geld should read "fields". I.E. is information element.

>And the Cause 16 is missing from this page.

I noticed they refer to Q.850 there rather than Q.931....what protocol are
you using in German ISDN?

Q.850 (1993) [New] [22 pp.] [Publ.: Aug.94]                                
   Use of cause and location in the digital subscriber Signalling System   
   No. 1 and the Signalling System No. 7 ISDN user part        

My search for "ISDN cause codes" on the WWW site produced:

ISDN BRI Troubleshooting Guide Ascend - ISDN BRI Troubleshooting Guide . . .
 .   .   . ISDN BRI Troubleshooting Guide . This paper will discuss methods 
used to troubleshoot problems with ISDN Basic Rate Interface (BRI) lines and 
Ascend Pipeline routers.              

Where I found the codes you referred to.


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