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Re: (ASCEND) setup route for max40XX

>From: Daniel <>
>client side: pipeline 25 with 10 workstations and each workstations has a
>valid ip address (we assign static IP addresses to them). He is hosting his
>mail and web servers.
>We have setup his account so that when someone access his web or mail
>server, our Max4004 will dial to his pipeline and connect and setup the
>routes. If he dial in to our Max, it will be assigned an static IP and the
>associate routes.  These all works fine. However this two-way
>"dial-on-demand" only works for one Max to one pipeline situation. What if
>he is going to dial into a pool of Maxs, I was thinking using NAT on the
>pipeline. Since the client is hosting his own mail and web server, ie. he
>need a valid IP address for this situation on his network (I am not sure on
>it as I never use NAT). Also, how should I go about setting up the routes
>since there will be more than one max ? Also, how about dialing out from
>the Maxs to his pipeline ?

There's two parts to your question:

1. How to have subnet-routed accounts dial into multiple Maxen.
2. How to initiate calls to them on demand.

To support subnet-routed accounts dialing into multiple Maxen, you need to
have all then Maxen in a Stack. If this isn't possible, you must run a
routing protocol that supports variable-length subnets between them such as

We use OSPF for this exact purpose, and it works great.

To initiate calls on demand from multiple Maxen is a bit beyond me. I was
never able to get dialout RADIUS routes working, so I have my
dial-on-demand accounts as internal profiles in the specific Max that
handles them. Fortunately, there aren't that many, and it's fine to tie
them to a specific Max.

If it works fine for you to split your account types like that, it works
for us.

Peter Lalor
415-459-7991 x102
415-459-7992 fax

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