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Re: (ASCEND) Software Release 6.0.2 and Pipe 50

Hi Andre,

Andre Beck wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 23, 1998 at 02:50:31PM +0200, Ronald McCarty wrote:
> >
> > On a related note (but different system / customer) could
> > there not be enough memory available for the Pipe 50 running
> > 6.0.2 to run the Secure Access Firewall from Ascend?  It's
> > too early to give a good description of the problem other
> > than saying the Pipe is in one case filtering too much,
> > although the SAM explecitly allows the activity.
> Are you by chance doing MPP on this link ? We have found ASA to fail on
> a MPP link - it suddenly starts to drop stuff that clearly should pass
> (and passes again as soon as the link is down to one channel). We have
> a TR open for this. Now this was on a 1800 and it was a _leased_ line
> at Nailed/Mpp. But it may well be a general problem of ASA in conjunction
> with any multilink profile in general or MPP in particular.

This could well be the problem.  The combination here is
Pipe 50 to Pipe 50 leased line.  Settings on both sides
are:  Switch Type=NET 3, Chan Usage=Super Dig 128,
Encaps=MPP.  We haven't fiddled with the settings yet since
it's not (yet) our baby...not that we're looking forward to
inheriting the service agreement :-) for this particular
setup, but we still want to get a feel as to why its

Have you, by any chance, received any feedback from Ascend
as to when the problem you reported would be fixed?


> --
> +-o-+--------------------------------------------------------+-o-+
> | o |               \\\- Brain Inside -///                   | o |
> | o |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                       | o |
> | o | Andre' Beck  (ABPSoft)   AB10-RIPE   XLink PoP Dresden | o |
> +-o-+--------------------------------------------------------+-o-+
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