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Re: (ASCEND) NAT and Ascend

On Sat, 25 Apr 1998 wrote:

> Of these 100 connections, how many users connected to a P75 could be
> realistically supported at one time? A single BRI is 128K (maybe 256K
> with compression). If 10 users were active, each user would average out
> at 12K w/o compression. That is not much in the way of response time.

12K is decent, about 1/3 of a modem, but a whole lot cheaper for a lot of
users (compare one ISDN line with 20 analog lines, considering both client
and server end!).  When you compare it with a T1 on the other hand, yeah,
it kinda is not so hot.  You get what you pay for, after all... :)

> I am trying to configure a small lab (22 machines) that would be using
> Internet and mainframe services. My initial thinking is that it would
> require 4 BRI lines (maybe a 1800 on each end?) to support 20
> simultaneous users with reasonable response rates. Am I missing

A 22 system lab will rarely if ever have more than a few people browsing
the web at once.  Perhaps 5-6 actually transferring data at peak, unless
your lab is used entirely for Internet and your people do a lot of
downloading.  Most of the time you can expect less that that.  Also don't
forget that Internet congestion in general doesn't tie up your ISDN line,
so if they are browsing a crowded site, it doesn't hurt you any.  If
everyone is going to browse at once, it's most likely as the result of an
assignment and they are all looking at the same page, and you should
probably look into getting a proxy server for them instead of extra BRI's. 

If everyone is going to be browsing different web pages all at the same
time, then you have some pretty busy users.  :)  Really, I don't think
that you need to worry about overloading your pipe with only 20 users.

> How many users can be on a single BRI at any one time?

As many as are willing to put up with the bandwidth.  If they are only
using it for email then you can put hundreds of people on the BRI.  If on
the other hand they are all using it to send their CAD designs to your
central office and are downloading Win98 betas in their spare time, then
you should probably keep it to half a dozen or so.  It all depends. :) 

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