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Re: (ASCEND) Max1800 / NET-3 PTP

On Wed, Apr 22, 1998 at 04:35:44PM +0200, Bernhard Kroenung wrote:
> (sorry for writing in germany - but it is only about a german-telekom problem)

You will not get a lot of answers in german, however ;)

> hate jemand auch die negativen Erfahrungen gemacht wie wir mit Anlagen-
> anschluessen der Telekom auf Max1800/BRI ?


> Zum Einsatz kommt die Einstellung NET-3 PTP - damit lassen sich "normale"
> ISDN-Mehrgeraeteanschluesse und auch Anlagenanschluesse bei einem Max1800
> fahren und sogar im Mischbetrieb.

I wouldn't do that. I would either run P-T-MP (Mehrgeräte) BRIs in NET3
or P-T-P (Anlagen) BRIs in NET3 PTP - but not mix them. It's really a
good question how the Max would handle this. We usually have a 4 BRI
PTP and use the remaining BRIs for leased lines.

> Jedoch steigt sehr sehr oft die Leitung aus - d.h. anstatt eines "P" im
> Status-Fesnter steht nur noch ein "."

We have seen this. However, in only _one_ case it was indeed a problem.
In all other cases, the lines came back as soon as required (if either
a call was routed in from the telco or we tried to establish one). If
a line really seems locked it was in most cases sufficient to just reset
this single BRI (disable/save/enable/save in Net/BRI). The only case
that was really a problem was a -T-- error IMHO. It was not just a "."
but a X which showed up there (indicating deactivation, while DSS1 PTP
should never autodeactivate) and the line never came back when a call
should be routed in. It appeared that the -T-- used some special setup
with new hardware to install this PBX connect and forgot to disable
autodeactivation or was unable to signal reactivation in case of an
incoming call to the NT battery.

> Ab und zu reicht es den Router zu resetten und auszuschalten - aber ueber-
> wiegen muessen wir dann eine Stoerung bei der Telekom melden und die resetten
> dann die Anschluesse - und behaupten unsere "Telefoanlage" waere schuld daran.

What firmware are you running ? Our 1800s on 6.0.2 don't show up BRI
drops any more. But this may be very specific to the switch at the telco
side - switches over here in the east are generally newer and
have less bugs compared to the older stuff in the west ;)



| o |               \\\- Brain Inside -///                   | o |
| o |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                       | o |
| o | Andre' Beck  (ABPSoft)   AB10-RIPE   XLink PoP Dresden | o |
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