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Re: (ASCEND) NAT, Pipe75, stops routing.

The "default server" will NOT forward all ports that are not listed
in the static mappings.  To get a list of ports which it will forward, 
do the following:

1. Define the default server
2. Drop into diagnostic mode.  Turn on the command which describes NAT
   negotiation.  I don't remember the command.
3. Re-establish the NAT session.
4. The diagnostic mode shows the Pipeline build a mapping table from
   your static mappings and the default server adds a bunch of other ports.
   Only the most common ports are added, so if you need port 22 you have to
   specifically add it to your static mappings.

Hope this helps.

Thomas Falk Claezon wrote:
> On 06 April 1998, Kevin A. Smith <> wrote:
> > At 09:02 PM 4/5/98 -0500, Robert Fournerat wrote:
> > >
> [Zap]
> >
> > >Other problems you will encounter with Ascend's many-to-one
> > >NAT include not being able to connect (from the WAN side into
> > >the NAT environment) to several ports (like the POP3 port 110).
> >
> > I believe some people had found a way around this with static
> > this still the case?
> >
> Yes, our latest "discovery" was when we tried to use port 22 (ssh)
> from the WAN side, on a european P85 with 6.0.0 b2.p75 (at last, V2 HW in
> europe :-).
> This is a annoying problem. I wish that it would work as per the 5.1A
> release notes, but Ascend stated that the bugg was in the release notes,
> not in the pipeline SW :-/ !
> Specific (from our Ticket#259342):
>     In the 5.1A release notes, it's stated several times in differnt pages,
>     that TCP and UDP packets, that are not covered by static mappings will
>     be forwarded to the default server (if it have been defined).
>     Some examples on page 116 of the PDF version av the release notes:
>     "You need to define a list of local servers and the UDP and TCP ports
>      each would handle. You can also define a local default server that
>      handles UDP and TCP ports not listed."
>     "If you don't specify any routed ports but do specify a default server,
>      the default server receives all packets from the remote network that
>      are sent to the Pipeline."
>     This continues paragraph after paragraph on this page and on others
>     through this document!
>     There are *no* reference to a *limitation* to "well known ports 0-1023"
>     in this document (that I have been able to find)! There are a reference
>     (a FTP URL) to a list of Well know ports and Registred ports on page
>     118, but thats is mere an explanation of what "Well known ports" are...
> [zap]
> /Falk

Peter Chow
Chief Technical Advisor
InterQ Inc.
Tokyo, Japan

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