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(ASCEND) P75 Filter Preventing Bringing Up Channels

The call filter below on a P75 with 5.1A code appears to prevent IP traffic
triggering Pipeline to call the Max.  We use the same call filter on P75s
5.0ai16 and it seems to work ok.  Anyone know of problems with call
with 5.1A code?  Or see anything amiss with the filter below?

 ?20-401 IP Call              ??? ?10-100 1          ??? ?00-200 02:36:25
 ? Generic...                   ? ? Link  X            ? ?>M31  Line    Ch
 ? >Forward=No                  ? ? B1    .            ? ? LAN session down
 ?  Offset=6                    ? ? B2    .            ? ? cupmax
 ?  Length=6                    ? ??????????????????????
 ?  Mask=ffffffffffff0000       ? ?20-100 Sessions   ??? ?20-500 DYN Stat
 ?  Value=00c07b72f8b10000      ? ?>  0 Active         ? ? Qual N/A
00:00:00 ?
 ?  Compare=Equals              ? ?                    ? ? 0K      0
channels ?
 ?  More=No                     ? ?                    ? ? CLU   0%  ALU
0% ?

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