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Some people have asked me for an Ascend MIB compatible with CMU SNMP.
Since this question is a bit complex, I think i'ts better to explain 
how to make the MIB files yourselves.

The Problem with CMU SNMP is that there is a lot of confusion about
different versions. As I understood, there were two different development
branches of CMU SNMP: version 1.* and version 2.*. Development of both has
stopped at CMU but has been taken over as base for third party projects,
like cmu-snmp-linux-3.* or ucd-snmp-3.*.
Meanwhile the people at CMU have started development again from the old
version 1.1. By now they are at version 1.9 and that is what may be called
the most recent version of CMU SNMP.

So we have at least 3 different and not fully compatible branches of CMU
SNMP. They are differing, too, in what MIB syntax they do understand. 

Of course you do not only need the Ascend MIB, but some RFC-MIBs, too.
All MIBs you need can be found at 
The different files have to be glued together. If you already have an
working MIB file as part of the SNMP distribution, you do not need the rfc*
files (MIB-II) but only the ascend-specific parts.

For cmu-snmp-2.*, cmu-snmp-linux-3.*, and ucd-snmp-3.* you can take the MIBs
as they are. However, ucd-snmp-3.* wants them as single files in a special
directory, not glued together.

cmu-snmp-V1.* does NOT understand the full MIB syntax yet. What you have to
do, depends on the version you're using. For version 1.8 and 1.9 it should
be sufficient to remove the BEGIN, END, and IMPORTS statements from the
Ascend MIBs to make them work with CMU SNMP. That's what I did.

Versions prior 1.8 may require more editing. Some tips can be found in There you find basic
v2-MIBs working with CMU SNMP, too. 

Hope this helps,

| Erik Heinz, IKS GmbH Jena * * privat:  |
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