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Re: (ASCEND) Shitty tech support at Ascend.

Many of us have harped on this for the longest time.  I've been an Ascend
user for some 4 years now, and their support has gone from decent to
mediocre to just plain horrid.  I'm still in awe of the fact that a year
after I opened a trouble report with them they finally called back.
Unfortunately I was no longer with the provider I was with when I
submitted the ticket, but a friend of mine was nice enough to give them my
new contact information.  

The company I'm with now wouldn't even consider using Ascend because of
the countless bad things they've heard about the MAX line.  Why Ascend is
STILL suffering from problems they had some 3 years ago is beyond me.
You'd think they would have hammered the bugs out of their software by

Joseph W. Shaw -    
Freelance Computer Security Consultant and Perl Programmer
Free UNIX advocate - "I hack, therefore I am."

On Mon, 12 Apr 1999 wrote:

> Has anyone noticed how horrid the tech support is at Ascend lately (Well,
> last I called was when they were JUST getting those contract service option
> things out).  I've been sitting here on hold with an open ticket # waiting
> for a technician for *looks at watch* coming up on 3 hours now.  It's a good
> thing that this is a 1-800 number.  I think the one technician staffing the
> non 1-900 number is out today or something.  Absurd.  And yesterday I was on
> hold for over an hour (trying to talk to someone about this same ticket),
> I'm sitting there on hold and someone CALLS me.  He then tells me that I was
> sent to the wrong 'group' and that he couldn't help with my questions and
> I'd either have to wait in yet ANOTHER queue or wait for a call back. (HAH,
> wait for a call...)  *Disgruntled ascend user*
> Ascend, take some notes from Cisco.
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