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Re: (ASCEND) In Defense Of Ascend...

On Sun, 22 Mar 1998, Matt Holdrege wrote:

> Ah, but which one? Who chooses? And what about all those ISP's that use
> FreeBSD and NetBSD? Another thought. If you are going to pay for an Ascend
> commercial software product, why not pay for a Unix commercial product?

Because Linux and FreeBSD are much superior over commerical Unices in many
respects.  Have you ever tried to get so-called tech support from Sun?  Or
a vendor patch for a problem?  Sun *charges* me to obtain operating system
patches unless *they* deem them important enough to make freely available.

Had I our architecture to do over, I'd pick Linux in a heartbeat -- that
way, we'd have a uniform OS on our Intels and Sparcs, and could look at
getting used Alphas as well without having to learn another Unix.

Doesn't Ascend realize that they aren't in the business of dictating our
operating systems, but that they should rather be in the business of supporting
what OS their customers have already chosen?

This is just too damn arrogant to swallow, and I have been a fervent Ascend
supporter for years.

The more I hear, the more likely I am to pass over that GRF I'm looking
at buying and just go with a Cisco instead.  I'm starting to feel that it
is a shame that our co-location program with our telco forces us to use
Ascend equipment.  Suddenly, Livingston and Bay Networks are starting to
seem a lot more reasonable to work with.

Devin L. Ganger <>
Chief Systems Administrator
Premier1 Internet Services

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