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RE: (ASCEND) MAX TNT Upgrade Problem

Thanks for the input...  I am getting ready to upgrade a couple of TNTs to v2.0.

One quick followup question (for you or Ascend) however is: what is the product information necessary to purchase a spare Flash card (i.e. part number, model number, description, cost... etc.)



-----Original Message-----
From:	Mike Jackson <> [SMTP:Mike Jackson <>]
Sent:	Tuesday, March 10, 1998 7:30 AM
To:	"Kevin A. Smith" <>
Cc:	<>
Subject:	Re: (ASCEND) MAX TNT Upgrade Problem

On Tue, 10 Mar 1998, Kevin A. Smith wrote:

> At 01:49 AM 3/7/98 -0800, Mike Jackson wrote:
> >
> >	I am currently running 1.3Ap24.  I wanted to upgrade to 2.0, so I
> >downloaded it and tftp'ed the tntsrb.bin file to the TNT.  Then I rebooted
> >the TNT and as expected, I was at the "BOOT> " prompt.  I then tried to
> >format the flash card (Flash-Card-1). 
> An update on this problem:
> >>>
> If the format command is issued immediately after RESET, the system will
> be hung. There is a window in the software which allows the
> shelf-controller to read the slot card images out of flash while it is
> formatting the flash card. (There is an open TR internal on this).
> To avoid the hung, user can use "show" command to ensure all the
> slot-cards (both master and slave shelves) are in the UP state before
> issues the format command. Another solution is to run the 'slot -d'
> command to down the non-UP slot cards before issuing the format command.
> After format is done, run 'slot -u' to restart the card. The idea of
> both solutions is to prevent the shelf-controller loading software from
> the flash card. 
> <<<

After working with John Jones at Ascend, it looks like my flash card is
either damaged or write protected.  The flash card cannot be written to
even to re-write the 1.3ap24 tar code to it (it gives a "Flash Card Can't
be Written" type message.

We are currently awaiting a new flash card from Lucent/Ascend (we should
have it tomarrow).  Also, I got a response from someone else in the
mailing list that indicated that a standard PCMCIA flash card would woek -
I tried a 10MB one, and I couldn't get the TNT to recoginize that the card
was installed; so I'll wait for the real thing..

Just, an aside, IMHO Ascend should probably provide a spare flash card
with every TNT..

					Mike Jackson

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