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Re: (ASCEND) RADIUS configuration

>I just ran out of connection profiles on our P400 and was told that
>RADIUS would have to be implememented before any additional profiles can
>be created.  Needless to say, I know very little about RADIUS.  Can
>someone point me to a beginner's guide on the configuration of RADIUS
>for implemetation with a P400.  The sample users file along with
>Ascend's RADIUS distribution is not very helpful.  My biggest stumbling
>block is trying to understand how the entries in the users file
>corresponds to a connection profile on the p400.  From the sample users
>file, it appears that much of the information contained in a typical
>connection profile is absent.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I only mention this because you seem to have very light RADIUS needs. In
fact, you don't want to run it at all! Makes sense to me...

Given this, you might try running MacRADIUS, a nice easy RADIUS with an
actual interface for humans if you have (almost any old) Mac laying around.

As far as there being less information in a profile than needed, the P400
(and any RADIUS-using device) will use whatever global defaults are set,
and only change whatever you explicitly set per profile in RADIUS. Thus, a
profile can be a name and password, and not much else. Makes it easy.

Also, I haven't seen any recent software releases that support the P400,
but Ascend has doubled the number of possible connection profiles in
Pipelines, beginning with 5.1Ap1, I think. Perhaps when (if?) there's
another release, you won't have to worry about all this for a bit longer...

Peter Lalor
415-459-7991 x102
415-459-7992 fax

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