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(ASCEND) NAT on PL130 -- Solid or Bleeding Edge?

Ascend people,

OK, so here's the deal... I installed a PL130 recently and this particular
customer is really hot on the notion of using NAT.  He has his whole
network already set up etc, etc, etc... From my persective, I like the
idea of not having to give him a bunch of real IPs...

So, the situation is this:

Nailed 56KB circuit -- PL130 on one side and Max4000 on my side....

We *just* updated the PL130 to 5.1Ap8, btw...

Once we turned on NAT, as expected, we were no longer able to telnet to
the router from the max side.  We added a static NAT map to map port 23
(of the PL130's 
to port 23 of the ethernet address of the PL130 -- that fixed that

Now comes the *weird* behavior stuff....

If I telnet to the PL130, and go into terminal server mode, I can telnet
to anything I want *provided* I use the telnet port.  If, however, I try
to telnet to, oh say, port 25 (smtp), I get connected but I get hung --
can't type - can't do anything.  This is the case with *any* other
service... port 110 (pop3), anything.....

Now, this leads me to the *real* problem... Why would I want to telnet to
port 25 from the router you ask?  Well... I'll tell ya....

Because I was testing out what happens when I try to connect to an smtp
server on the outside from any of my customer's bogus IP machines.... My
customer noticed that if he telnets to the smtp port (or if a program on
his network tries to open a socket connection to the same smtp server), it
takes nearly a minute for the greeting message to show up?! 

I went to his office and confirmed that this was true.... However, here's
where it got *really* odd.... It seems to matter what server I tried to
connect to.  For example, if I tried to connect to, it showed
this odd delay -- if I used *any* smtp servers on my network (the max
side) it would fail in this way.  All of the servers that show this odd
behaviour seem to be running sendmail  8.8.6/8.8.5.  If I connect to
certain other smtp servers (like Ipswitch's Imail running on NT) it
connects perfectly -- right away... every time......

Anyone seeing *real* odd stuff going on with NAT?


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