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[VANILLA-L:1074] Re: [VANILLA-L:1070] Clean room netrek?

Honestly, I didn't mean to attack the current state of things--I hope
nobody takes it that way.  I'm not burning up with the idea of re-writing
code, either, especially if there's no payoff for doing so.  

What I was getting to was possibly an "anti-paradise" (oops, nobody get mad
at that, please) type server.  Rather than throwing in 5000 new features,
strip out a bunch.  You mentioned that the networking code is optimized (no
argument over that), and any further work would be stripping features.
Maybe that's what I'm suggesting.  Maybe no torp wobble?  Maybe no plasmas?
 If you assume a "blessed" client, maybe you could shift more work to the

This is all pretty much just some random thoughts.  I'm not going to go out
and quit my job to spearhead the effort to re-inventing the wheel. :)  I
guess the most damning thing about all this is that in the end, it's simply
just not netrek.  I dunno.  

Jesse MacNish
Development Staff and Systems Administration, Creative Concepts Corporation
"Boulder.  25 square miles surrounded by reality."

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