Vanilla Netrek Server Development Archive
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[VANILLA-L:1070] Clean room netrek?

Ok, I'll get burned at the stake for even bringing this up...But... :)

Every once in a while people seem to pick up on the thought of re-writing
the server piece for (pick one or more) 1)java, 2) win32, 3) threads, etc
etc.  From only superficial passes over the server code, this porting job
would be a fair amount of work (understatement of the year).

I was just thinking that it might be simpler to write a subset of netrek,
and get that going, rather than going all out and porting all of the server
code over.  This would be sort of a clean room effort, using ideas from the
existing code without simply converting from it.

  For instance, getting a Java "netrek-lite" server going, where people
could connect, fly around, and phasor each other would be a more pragmatic
goal than taking on the whole enchilada.  (especially with limited time
budgets)  Plus, some good might come out of it:  cleaning up the design,
slimming down the network requirements, etc?  

Hopefully, also, this "netrek-lite" would be a fun (err, maybe at least
amusing) game in-and-of itself--log in, whomp on people, log off.  I dunno.
 Maybe it'd bore you to tears.

Anyway, just an idea for the "lets-port-netrek-to-platform-y" people.

Jesse MacNish
Development Staff and Systems Administration, Creative Concepts Corporation
"Boulder.  25 square miles surrounded by reality."

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