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Re: [Fwd: [TCLUG:3186] TCLUG meeting this Saturday 1/9/99]
> ----- Forwarded message from Clayton Fandre <> -----
> Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 16:25:56 -0600
> From: Clayton Fandre <>
> X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.5 [en] (X11; U; HP-UX B.10.20 9000/778)
> To: "" <>
> Subject: [TCLUG:3186] TCLUG meeting this Saturday 1/9/99
> OK. I finally got confirmation on a room for this Saturday. It will be
> in room EE/CSci 2-260 from noon until 2:00. I'm not sure exactly where
> the room is, but I assume it's near 3-230. (Anyone know for sure?)
I'm not sure if you received a response to this as I just joined the list,
so... To get to EE/CS 2-260, enter the main entrance, and take the
elevator down one floor (level 3 is the main floor, level 2 is one level
below ground-level.) Upon exiting the elevator, turn left and walk to the
end of the hallway, at which point your only option is to turn right.
You will find 2-260 as the first room on your right after you walk around
the corner.
There is also a touch-screen Kiosk in the main lobby which has the entire
floor-plan for the building. If Netscape hasn't crashed, it's quite usable.
> Topic:
> Jeremy Smith is going to talk about how they use Linux at US West.
> Peter Lukas will discuss his experiences with RedHat 5.2 at the UofM.
> If anyone else is willing to give some type of presentation, feel free
> to prepare something. Hopefully they won't kick us out if we run past
> 2:00.
> Check the web page for directions. I hope to see everyone there.
> Clay Fandre
Great to finally see a TCLUG.
Mark A Bentley Email:
Systems Staff, CSci Dept
University of Minnesota URL: