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Re: [TCLUG:1704] swap partition question

Sometime around the 12th of November in 1998, a certain Andrew McCulloh said:

: Right about the swap formatting part--wrong about the
: rebooting--unlike windose 95 or NT linux very rarely needs to be
: restarted. Besides the kernel there is only one other program that I
: can think of which requires restart: init(8).

I find it useful to restart the machine after modifying the partition
table because sometimes programs that -use- partitions as a whole (mke2fs,
mkswap, e2fsck, etc.) will -not- use the updated paritition table, and
will merrily go about their way with what they -thought- the partition
table was (being in fact the old table). 

Needless to say, it's EVIL.

I had a helluva time with this, three weeks ago. Definitely not worth the

| Josh Becker                   - aka -                     JellyD |
| email:                      IRC: EFnet, DALnet |