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Re: [TCLUG:1704] swap partition question
>>>>> "Ben" == Ben Luey <> writes:
Ben> On Sun, 11 Oct 1998, Richard Seymour wrote:
>> Newbie question: I have just cut the DOS partition on my laptop
>> in half and using fdisk set its type ID to 82 (Linux
>> Swap). What else do I have to do (if anything) to get Linux to
>> use it as swap space? How do I confirm that it is?
Ben> If you already have linux installed (I'm assuming you do
Ben> because otherwise swap would be setup during the install),
Ben> use fdisk to make a partition swap (type 82), I think you
Ben> might have to reboot after this, I'm not sure.
Right about the swap formatting part--wrong about the
rebooting--unlike windose 95 or NT linux very rarely needs to be
restarted. Besides the kernel there is only one other program that I
can think of which requires restart: init(8).