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New M/B Purchase

I could sure use your opinions on this purchase. I went to General
Nanosystems and ordered the following:

Biostar M7VKB Socket A Mainboard
AMD Duron 700 MHz Socket A CPU
128MB PC-133 SDRAM
Sound Blaster Live Value
Matrox G400 32MB AGP Video card

The deal is I want to keep most of the interface cards and devices I
have in my existing system, but upgrade to something newer, faster,
flashier. I think I'm OK with the m/b and processor. They recommended
the name brand SDRAM, so I didn't get the deal shown on their website

My questions are in regard the sound card and the video card. How well
supported are either under Linux? I think there are beta drivers
available for both. Creative supplies Linux drivers for the sound card,
and Matrox for the video. How good are they? I record sound, mostly via
the line in jack. Is this supported?

I asked the sales guy at General Nanosystems and the answer was that I
could return it if it doesn't work. Nice, but not real responsive.

Anyone using the G400? Anyone using the SBLive? (I chose the Biostar
'cause its got an ISA slot. I need a few, but will live with one.)

Jim Kaufman
It usually takes more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech.
		-- Mark Twain