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Re: [TCLUG:22417] Seen this before?

This is caused because the kernel tries to disable the the unique
identifier on pentuim IIIs. You can pass "x86_serial_nr=1" to the kernel
(ie at the LILO prompt enter "linux x86_serial_nr=1", assuming your
linux image is labeled "linux") to disable this feature/bug. In
/etc/lilo.conf you can add "append = "x86_serial_nr=1"" under the image
which linux boots from in order to always pass this argument. This
assumes your using lilo to boot.

Newer kernels don't seem to have this problem. I'm using 2.2.17 and it
boots without passing this argument on my Duron.

Good luck,
David Evans

Greg Evans wrote:
>     I tried installing RedHat 6.2 on a Compaq Presario 7000 with an Athalon 900 cpu in it yesterday and the install went fine, but now it won't boot.  During the "Disabling CPUID Serial Number" phase I get a GPF and it hangs.  No way around it.
> /* Greg Evans -,
>     "Freedom is more important than happiness." -Tom Robbins */