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Re: [TCLUG:18079] clobbered partition table

On Tue, May 23, 2000 at 04:23:49PM -0500, David S. Cargo wrote:
>During the installfest, I managed to use Partition Magic 2.02 to clobber
>my partition table on my combined Windows 95 / Linux disk.

One guy referred to "Partition Magic" as "Distruction Magic" I would have to
concur. I have never had much luck with it. And it can reek havoc on a
partition table and driver geometry.

>Looking at possible solutions, I checked with Ontrack; they are sure
>they could fix the problem, but it would cost.  (It might be worth it,
>but I'm looking at alternatives.)  I also called the Geek Squad, and they
>said they could recover data, but not necessarily Windows itself.

Geek Squad is pretty pricey too from what I have heard. Could be wrong.

>Linux has two programs that might allow a person to try to do this
>himself:  gpart and fixdisktable.
>My question is, have you ever had this problem?  Did you try to cover
>it yourself?  What were the results?

Depends on what is wrong with the drive itself. I have never had a drive go
bad that was that important that I couldn't fdisk / reinstall if it was damaged. You might try fips, I saw fips work wonders at the install fest. Check with the slackware users. I think they are the fips gurus. Any ideas fellas?

Ben Lutgens  xAdministrator CS Solutions Inc |WinNT BSOD Security model:
1821 University Ave, St. Paul, Mn	     |"Can't crack it if it's crashed.
Cell: 651.387.9065  Office: 651.632.6162     |Invalid Pagefault in crackme.dll"