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Re: [TCLUG:18042] 2.3.99-pre6 kernel

> O.k. provided you compiled it into your kernel (if you're getting"not mounted
> sh" type stuff in the logs the you did) all you gotta do is make the dir
> /var/shm and add
> nodev           /var/shm        shm     defaults                0       0
> to /etc/fstab. If you don't want to reboot, run
> mount -t shm nodev /var/shm and you will be all set. You could have gotten
> this from the Docs in the kernel source had you tried. Try grep'ing around in
> the source tree if you don't believe me

Thanks, I didn't know if you could just create a normal directory or
what...  I'm used to working on LynxOS (LynuxWorks RTOS Unix) machines
which implement special file types for IPC's.  

Seth Bernsen
Software Engineer
United Defense
Phone: 612-572-4993
Fax:   612-572-4858