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Re: [TCLUG:17728] Motif has gone opensource!

> "Thomas T. Veldhouse" wrote:
> >
> > Never doubted it for a second.  It only happens in closed source project
> > where the owner of the code is not the developer.  The owner NEVER has
> > give up code if he doesn't want to - that is if they don't break any
> > pertaining to a monopoly.
> Okay I was speaking more generally. In a closed source project, maybe
> people aren't going to take your actual code and outdo you, but they
> still can and will outdo you even if they have to implement theirs from
> scratch. That's business. Deal. ;)
Deal - it has been done to me and I do it to others (by command) all the
time.  It is just the way of life.  Write and rewrite.

> Really, in an open source project, there's less* chance of this
> happening, since the motivation isn't monetary greed... (I'm pretty sure
> Bazaar & Cathedral went over this. Or am I thinking of something
> else...)

Probably true.  However, if somebody wants a feature and they build it
themselves because they get sick of waiting (i.e. egcs), then it is quite
likely to happen with open source as well.

Tom Veldhouse