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Re: [TCLUG:17728] Motif has gone opensource!

> Wrong. As long as you maintain full copyright you may release your code
> under _any_ license you wish at any time. GPL only becomes a problem
> for relicensing in cases like the Linux kernel where copyright is
> shared (I know that I wouldn't give my approval in that case, and there
> are many others who would not as well).

No - you are wrong.  Once GPL - forever GPL.  You have no say about what
anybody else does with it.  They can branch development on you and if they
do the job better than you - you disappear into history.  GPL just assures
the source will remain open from the time it is GPL'd forward.  So,
essentially, the copyright becomes meaningless once GPL'd.  Sure, you have
the copyright, but you have no rights to the code under GPL, other than your
name will travel with the source.   Because of GPL, you can not take your
code to, let's say Microsoft, and then modify it and include it in their
operating system without making the source available.  If you do, you must
post the modified source code to the net to be available to everybody.

Tom Veldhouse