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sun box - kind of off the subject
This is not exactly a linux question, but kind of is. (And I know
nothing about solaris boxes). A couple of questions, how does a sun
box running solaris/linux compare to a pc running linux? Say the sun is
a Ultra 5 333mhz, is that the same as an intel 333? or way different,
and how do they compare speedwise? I run linux at home and work, but
am thinking of getting a solaris box for fun at home(i have a sparc 1+,
but don't know what to do with it becuase it has no floppy or cdrom and
i don't know how to reach it on my intranet because i don't know it's
name nor ip, any ideas are also apprceciated). What models of solaris
boxes would someone recommend?I was looking at a Sparc 4, or is that
going to be slow as molassis? ( I am looking for just a workstation for
home use, maybe doing some development in java on it.) Thanks.