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Re: [TCLUG:14215] using OpenSSH

On Fri, Mar 03, 2000 at 08:16:20PM -0600, Thomas T. Veldhouse wrote:
> Do you really believe this?  Who is they?  I believe there are many
> people who use both.  How many OpenBSD (or even NetBSD or FreeBSD)
> developers do you know to have such an opinion?  What have you based
> this opinion on?  Almost sounds to me like you jumped on the passing
> bandwagon and starting singing the chant.

	I can't name particular names.  Your post was a taste of it.  I
read posts by various BSD people, and they tend to sound condescending
and smug.  Not all BSDers are this way, just some.

	I could actually make some negative comments about Linux people
too, but I see more reasonableness and less of the negative stuff among
Linux people.  This could very well be because I know more of them.  I
could describe the attitude I see in detail, but I don't want to start
any more of a flame war than I already have.  And their attitude
irritates me less than condescending smugness.

	This is based on nothing particularily scientific, and is
certainly not a way to stereotype individual people.

	I was especially irritated because I would never take a UNIX
flavor agnostic piece of code, and cripple it into only working with one
flavor.  I can't see any good reason they did this.  I stopped using
UnixWare partly because UnixWare seemed to be going out of it's way to
make sure off-the-net code wouldn't compile on it.

> I wouldn't say that FreeBSD is not popular.  I can think of Hotmail,
> Yahoo, ... and there are more that I can think of right now.
> To be honest, I can not think of any Linux site as big as any of
> these.  I would be glad to here about some though.

	They use it because it's good.  A fact I do not dispute.  It's
not popular not because it isn't used, but beecause it's rarely
mentioned in the press.

	I'm not sure, but I think Amazon might be run on Linux.  Perhaps
they use Sun though, I forgot.  There was a listing somewhere of the
top-ten e-commerce sites, and I saw Linux on at least a couple.

	I'm going to stop responding now, this has gotten kind of silly
and pointless.

Have fun (if at all possible),
Its name is Public Opinion.  It is held in reverence. It settles everything.
Some think it is the voice of God.  Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet
broke a chain or freed a human soul.     ---Mark Twain
-- Eric Hopper ( --

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