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Re: [TCLUG:14215] using OpenSSH
On Fri, 3 Mar 2000, Thomas.Veldhouse (Exchange) wrote:
> I was talking about Enlightenment - which now has a goal of being multiple
> platform - or simply put - UNIX. OpenSSH did not have such a goal. It was
> to work under OpenBSD.
the whine: Linux kids aren't making unix-general software
counterexample to whine: GNOME, E
openssh: formerly unix-general, now BSD-specific
> other Unices is a bonus. The argument that the old software worked on most
> platforms "as is" is bogus. It still does and there is nothing stopping
> your from using it, except perhaps the license :-)
ssh v1 worked. OpenSSH has been tweaked not to work, or not to work with
ease. What's bogus here? What's bogus is the belief that to make
software work with BSD, you have to remove pre-existing compatibility.
> If I write a piece of software for FreeBSD - because that is where I am
> going to use it - who is to complain?
No one has a problem with that, if you're writing it from scratch. If you
are building off a pre-existing code-base, then people are going to be
annoyed if you start breaking things that it is not necessary to break.
I'm not going to talk past you anymore. I'm trying to be explicit and
constructive here.
Christopher Reid Palmer :