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Re: anyone run Xeena?

On Wed, 5 Jul 2000, Robert P. Goldman wrote:

> I have never tried to run Xeena, but the above looks like a very
> familiar error in setting the CLASSPATH environment variable.  While
> running Xeena, this should almost certainly be set to point at either
> a distribution directory containing the code or, since this is IBM
> code, more likely should contain an absolute path pointing to a .jar
> file that's in the distribution.  
> My guess would be that there's a shell script that sets this
> environment variable and invokes java, and that there's a pathname
> error somewhere in that shell script file.  

BING, BING, BING... We have a winner! Thanks, that was the problem.

Now that I can run Xeena, however, I've discovered that it's a real dog on
this P150 laptop with 32 MB RAM. :-(


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