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anyone run Xeena?

>>>>> "TW" == Timothy Wilson <> writes:

TW> No, not the warrior princess... That's Xena.
TW> Xeena is an XML editor/validator from IBM's AlphaWorks. I've started playing
TW> around with DocBook for a project I'm working on, and Xeena seems to be the
TW> only software of its type that runs on Linux. Well, it won't run on mine.
TW> :-(

TW> One problem may be that I no practically nothing about Java. I'm running
TW> this on a Debian (unstable) laptop. I've installed as much Java stuff as I
TW> can find using apt. It looks like I've got JDK 1.1 in /usr/lib/jdk1.1

TW> When I try to run Xeena, I get the following error:

TW> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: xeena/sh
TW>      at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(
TW>      at java.lang.Error.<init>(
TW>      at java.lang.LinkageError.<init>(
TW>      at java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError.<init>(

TW> I know the program will run with JDK1.1. Anyone have any ideas about what's
TW> going on?


I have never tried to run Xeena, but the above looks like a very
familiar error in setting the CLASSPATH environment variable.  While
running Xeena, this should almost certainly be set to point at either
a distribution directory containing the code or, since this is IBM
code, more likely should contain an absolute path pointing to a .jar
file that's in the distribution.  

My guess would be that there's a shell script that sets this
environment variable and invokes java, and that there's a pathname
error somewhere in that shell script file.  
