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Re: anyone run Xeena?

>>>>> "TW" == Timothy Wilson <> writes:

TW> On Wed, 5 Jul 2000, Robert P. Goldman wrote:
TW> OK, I'm making some progress on this. It turns out that the errors I was
TW> seeting had more to do with how I was running the script that actually
TW> executes the Java code. Now when it looks like I'm doing things properly, I
TW> get:

TW> # ./
TW> using java in [/usr/lib/jdk1.1]
TW> Unable to initialize threads: cannot find class java/lang/Thread
TW> Could not create Java VM
TW> #

TW> Do I need to enable threads somewhere? 

No, you should not need to.  Threads are a native part of Java.  BUT
it seems like there's some built in java classes that you're not
finding now.  Could be that you've got the xeena libraries in now, but
don't have the jdk .jar files or the (this looks like an
old version of the jdk) in the classpath.  Try finding the
file in your jdk directory and adding that to the classpath.

TW> I see on the Debian site that there's a jdk1.1-native-dev that "contains the
TW> native threads (linuxthreads) extensions to the jdk1.0-dev package." Could
TW> this be what I'm missing?

You shouldn't need to use this --- there are two ways to use threads
in java; you can use the internal ones, where java does the
multiprocessing itself, or use native threads.  The code should work
whichever you use.  

Good luck,