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Re: CF: Re:Banning players

Klaus Elsbernd wrote:
> said:
> >  I have seen lots of discussion about what could be done, and a bunch
> > saying iit could be nice if, but I don't think I have seen any server
> > admins which actually say 'As a server admin, I need this
> > functionality'
> That's true. And with this argument, I suggest to code only a minimal
> number of lines. And therefore use the library. If one sysadmin will be
> very strikt, he already has installed tcp_wrapper, and there is no
> need to include those sources. Only one option would be needed to
> include/exclude the calls. I think, that's no much work. If no
> other one would like to implement it, I'll try it.

This will not work.  If I remember correctly, the library for the
tcp_wrappers does one or several blocking calls to DNS or IDENTD for
each address that it has to check.  This means that the CrossFire
server would be frozen for a few seconds (or a few minutes if the
network is slow) everytime some new player connects.  This is
definitely not what we want.

I vote for keeping it as simple as possible: use a list of IP
addresses that are allowed or denied, and only do a limited kind of
matching on these addresses in the server code.

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